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Why Personalization is a Must in Higher Ed Marketing

Imagine you’re at a drive through, hungry and ready to order lunch. An employee comes over the speaker and starts explaining why you should order lunch at their restaurant instead of the one down the street, then demands to know what sauce you want with your nuggets—even though you don’t …

Avoid Content Debt to Keep Your Website Looking Sharp

When you launch a website, it’s like driving off the lot with a brand-new car. It’s shiny and perfect in that moment, but over time it starts to get worn down. If you ignore routine maintenance long enough, your car will inevitably grind to a halt. Web developers are familiar …

A Finishing Touch: Using Tactile Design

Some people think print is dead — that fewer people are printing things and it’s all going digital. But there is still a very large portion of your brand that calls back to traditional elements. Each month, I get a water filter in the mail from a company called Soma …

SEO Philosophy of Use

SEO is a turbulent river where the only constant is change. It’s a frustrating truism that torments the analytical minds within the digital marketing industry. However, by abandoning the empirical and focusing on the theoretical, you realize the river has always been flowing toward the same mouth. Reflecting on this end destination can illuminate novel best practices and a map for future SEO navigation.

An Explanation of Domain Name System (DNS)

If you have your own website or domain name, you may have had to deal with DNS entries, especially if you have ever moved your website from one web hosting provider to another or changed email services. The Domain Name System is one of the hidden, behind-the-scenes technologies that makes the Internet work.

How to Make UTM Codes and Why They’re Important

Urchin Traffic Monitor (UTM) codes do a lot more than just make URLs ridiculously long. They play a pivotal role in measuring your marketing efforts and can help you see what resonates most with your audience.

Social Media Strategy: Brevity v. Verbosity

With so many great ideas to share with the world, it's easy for us to lose sight of how much effort our followers are willing to put into reading about every. little. detail.

Stop Writing for Your Old Professors

Remember, they were paid to read those papers. It wasn't just your relationships that got complicated from ages 15-22. I bet your writing did, too.