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Guerrilla Website Governance with Shelley Keith

We talk non-invasive website governance strategies with Shelley Keith, Senior Strategist at Modern Tribe. Links in this Episode Web Governance Facebook group Shelley Keith on Twitter Transcript Jarrett Smith: Hello, everyone and welcome to the Higher Ed Marketing Lab. I’m your host, Jarrett Smith. Each episode, it’s my job to …

The Chief Enrollment Management Officer with Mike Reilly / ep. 2

We talk about the evolving role of the chief enrollment management officer with Mike Reilly, the Executive Director of the American Association of College Registrars and Admissions Officers. Links from this Episode American Association of College Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) 2017 Chief Enrollment Management Officer Career Profile [PDF report] …

Higher Ed Marketing Lab Episode 1 • Digital Transformation with Chris Aarons

Digital Transformation with Chris Aarons

We talk digital transformation with Chris Aarons, co-author of The Digital Helix, a Wall Street Journal bestseller that outlines how organizations can embrace their own digital first approach. Links in this Episode The Digital Helix Transcript Jarrett Smith:  Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Higher Ed Marketing Lab. I’m your host, …

Five Takeaways from Creative South 2018

We don’t have many fears at Echo Delta, but one thing that frightens us is recycling ideas. Our phobia is a constant push to bring fresh perspective and innovative ideas to our clients and one way that is possible is through inspiration from our peers. Late last week, we hit …

Duplicate Content: Menace or Meh?

We’ve all seen it. Within otherwise peaceful groups, there can arise certain differences of opinion that are instantly polarizing: Coke or Pepsi. The oxford comma. How to pronounce “gif.” In the SEO world we have quite a few debates like that, and one of our most hot-button issues is duplicate …

How We Make the Big Idea Happen

It’s easy! We lock ourselves away in a dark office, drain a Madison-Avenue-sized bottle of single-malt Scotch and then stumble out five minutes before the big, important client presentation with the Eureka moment in hand. The truth is a lot less romantic and always involves 99 percent Thomas Edison-like perspiration. …

The Secret Ingredient for Recruitment Content that Captivates

Segmentation and personalization are excellent engagement tactics for higher ed marketers because they allow you to tailor your messaging around the things your audience cares about most. But, while speaking to your audience about the right things is important, a truly robust marketing strategy considers how you should speak to …

Segmentation: Your Key to Tailor-Made Messaging

Keeping communication relevant and personalized throughout the entire decision-making process is a critical objective for higher education recruiters. But how do we speak authentically to multiple groups of students without it becoming an overwhelming task? One solution: segmentation and marketing automation.

Why Personalization is a Must in Higher Ed Marketing

Imagine you’re at a drive through, hungry and ready to order lunch. An employee comes over the speaker and starts explaining why you should order lunch at their restaurant instead of the one down the street, then demands to know what sauce you want with your nuggets—even though you don’t …

Avoid Content Debt to Keep Your Website Looking Sharp

When you launch a website, it’s like driving off the lot with a brand-new car. It’s shiny and perfect in that moment, but over time it starts to get worn down. If you ignore routine maintenance long enough, your car will inevitably grind to a halt. Web developers are familiar …